Gas Fireplace


  • Use sparingly in order to heat the main area of the cottage to desired temperature. 
    • Once the room is warm, turn it down or turn it off. 
    • Run living room ceiling fan to distribute heat around efficiently
    • Propane is limited. Do not leave on when leaving the cottage, or going to bed, or for extended periods of time. Normal run time is 2-4 hours per day. 
    • DO NOT touch the fireplace when the stove is in use. It is extremely hot. 
    • Never use the fireplace with the protective mesh door open.
    • Watch children around the fireplace
    • Do not let children handle remote 
  • When checking out, ensure the fireplace is turned OFF.  


    1. Push the power button on the remote
    2. The device should already be set to SMART mode. 
    3. Smart mode will run until the room is at desired temperature. (19-23 degrees celsius is what is recommended.)
    4. The instruction manual for the remote is in the welcome binder if you need more information. 
    5. Turn off when not in use by pressing the power button OFF.

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